My Romance With Running

Stories about running

Getting to know your groin- Pelvic injury #2


I’ve managed to get another pelvic injury just in time for summer!  I’d like everyone to get to know my groin even more intimately because it might help you out if you have the misfortune of getting these symptoms too.

It’s because of my injuries that I know any words with more than four letters, and I’d like to teach you about the latest one I have added to my repertoire, osteitis pubis! These two words have made me even more intoxicated by the exuberance of my own verbosity than I was when I learned how to spell phlegm in 3rd form.


Me and my pelvis in happier times at the Auckland Marathon with my friend Emma

It took a few weeks of odd symptoms before I was in any real pain with this injury. When your stomach hurts during a run you have to determine if it is discomfort from an impending poo, period pain, or (aghast!) a serious injury! My first symptom was that I had sore abdominal muscles to the point that it hurt me to laugh, a grave issue for one so hilarious.

My adductors were getting really tight after running, and no amount of stretching would loosen them off, my legs just wanted to snap closed. I blame my excessive chaffing during the Auckland Half Marathon on these tight adductors.82651-Goldmember-tight-meme-toight-l-CAuh.png

On a long run one Sunday my groin area started to really hurt. I stopped to stretch and started to palpate the area with my finger tips, assuring my friends that I was not taking a break to masturbate. I shuffled back home in pain and cut the run short, something was definitely not right.

I went to see my physiotherapist Fiona and once I told her my symptoms she confirmed what I may or may not have been googling before my appointment-

OSTEITIS PUBIS- an overuse injury characterised by tissue damage and inflammation to the pelvis at the site where the two pubic bones join, resulting in sharp pain right down the centre of your fajita. It is caused by repeated trauma, such as running 140km a week, however, it is not uncommon for a specific incident to trigger the symptoms.

Possible causes of Osteitis Pubis- (taken from reputable medical source)

  • Skipping your scheduled Brazillian wax for two months and having a larger than usual amount of pubies on your pubis
  • Repeated trauma to the Pelvis including running 396km in a month, roundhouse kicking people to the face, and vigorous mating
  • Wearing one old shoe that has done 900km on your left foot and a brand new shoe on your right foot, for a few months before you realise it’s a bad idea to buy identical shoes
  • Running in reverse and falling backwards over the top of a park bench, landing hard on your PELVIS resulting in trauma.

Resulting bruises from park bench bashing

I have a suspicion that it was the park bench incident that caused this injury, and the above bruises that hung around for so long that I bought new socks to match with them.

To make sure I got lots of tips for a speedy recovery I went to see the podiatrist who said that I need to strengthen my glutes, specifically my right one.

‘So exactly how weak are they, how much will I need to strengthen them?’

‘For the left one, ideally around 400%’


Four H U N D R E D? Not like four? Ya sure about that?

I’ve been managing my injury by doing the following:

Cutting out all speed work

Taking a rest day if I have any pain whatsoever


Buying new running gear. GOLD running gear.


Running on soft surfaces


Running for fun instead of racing


Binge drinking the night before a race so that the urge to regurgitate my drive-thru McChicken is greater than my urge to run fast


Aquatic jogging

I really dislike aqua jogging. The only thing good about it is watching people flailing about in the slow lane. Don’t get me wrong, I would look just as bad trying to move through water. But I’m not, I’m watching other people suck at it, and I will enjoy frantically paddling and barely moving, supported by my bright blue foam belt, bobbing around upright and superior amongst the elderly. You also need to have sorted out your two months of skipped brazillians if you are going to be wearing swimming togs.

Because I have been running for a few years now, I know my body and I know when something is not right. I know the difference between pain and discomfort, and in this case that has saved me from potential months off running because I went to the physio as soon as I was in pain. I am managing this injury well, and plan to be running a little bit over the summer then back in to high intensity and higher mileage before my friend Hinano gets too fit and steals back all my Strava CR’s (So April at the very latest!).

Hip -Hip Hooray for Pelvis recovery!

Author: Amanda Broughton

Talking, running, eating, meandering.

8 thoughts on “Getting to know your groin- Pelvic injury #2

  1. Your posts are just the ultimate best!! Poor pelvis!! Tell that thing to buck up! I have a weaker right glute too!! It’s SO ANNOYING!! It’s what caused my hip flexor strain and possibly what caused the hamstring issue too. I am doing single leg squats and doing one legged ladder jumps (which is hard) to try and strengthen the glute and make it more powerful again. I feel you!! Next time you’re doing an easy run in Karori park, let me know! I’m living out that way for a couple of months at the moment. Gods speed with your recovery!

    • Ah thank you! We would make the worst team in a three legged race, both weak right sides we would end up running in circles. Definitely keen for K-Park and lying on the grass to do all those physio exercises over summer 🙂

  2. Amusing read (as always) even though the subject you are writing about isn’t amusing at all! Wishing you a speedy recovery

  3. I had a similar experience when running and symptoms that were a lot like yours. After a series of tests including a CT scan with contrast, it turns out I had a hip impingement in both hips. Not something an intermittant distance runner wants to hear.

    • Oh man that sounds rough, are you over the injury now or is that an ongoing thing you have to manage?

      • The CT scan showed a tear in the labrum of both hips so I had to stop running which was difficult to give up after 30 years of regular daily runs, but the pain made it impossible to continue so now I cycle and spin for exercise. I can run short distances if need be, but anything more than a couple of miles will bring on the pain. According to the surgeon, stopping running may keep me from needing a hip replacement later on something I would prefer to avoid. I do a fair amount of coast path walking which is fairly up and down in Cornwall so that can get a bit iffy, but one can’t give up everything. 🙂

  4. What a bummer! But kudos for attending to it so quickly so you can get back out there quickly!

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